Altrincham Advanced Motorists

                                                 2022 Calendar           

                                               Three Courses

Course One                                                                Course Three

January                                                                   August 

Monday 10th  Pre -course Briefing                              Monday 22nd  Pre- course Briefing 

Sunday 16th  Drive One   

Sunday 30th  Drive Two                                             September 

February                                                                   Sunday 4th    Drive One

Sunday 13th  Drive Three                                           Sunday 18th   Drive Two

                                                                                Monday 26th  Mid -course Briefing

Monday 21st Mid- course Briefing   

Sunday 27th  Drive Four                                             October

March                                                                       Sunday 2nd   Drive Three

Sunday 13th  Drive Five                                             Sunday 16th   Drive Four

Monday 14th Meet the Examiner meeting                   Sunday 30th   Drive Five                         


Sunday  27th Drive Six                                               Monday 7th    Meet the Examiner meeting

                                                                                Sunday 13th   Drive Six                                                                                   


Course Two


Monday 25th Pre - course Briefing


Sunday 8th  Drive One

Sunday 22nd  Drive Two


Sunday 12th Drive Three

Monday 13th  Mid- course Briefing

Sunday 26th Drive Four


Sunday 10th Drive Five

Monday 11th Meet the Examiner meeting

Sunday 24th Drive Six  


Latest comments

31.05 | 01:59

This is solid information! I will definitely be sharing this with my driving students thank you! Check us out at https://www.coffsharbourdrivinglessons.com

11.04 | 09:06

I found your website on google and I found it very useful and informative for our business and I also shared your website with my other friends also.

27.10 | 15:27

I wrote to Amey Trafford to change lane painting on Trafford new roundabout coming from Parkway junction 9 M 60 into Westinghouse road, as most motorist used to

29.09 | 11:16

Remember Keith average driver but to far up himself